»The system’s high degree
of accuracy means the
side-effect profile is
extremely favourable.“«
Dr. med. Markus Kufeld
Radiosurgeon - Neurosurgeon
Generally, tumors in all parts of the body with a positive indication for radiosurgical therapy can be treated with the Cyberknife. Using the latest in medical high technology allows it to treat even very irregularly shaped tumors in the area of critical brain regions such as the visual or auditive nerve, without damage to these sensitive brain areas.
In particular, metastases and benign brain tumors can be effectively treated.
Prostate carcinomas Gleason score 6 and 7 without capsular excavation
Similar to brain treatments, metastases and benign tumors are treated here.
Primary bronchocarcinoma T1 / 2 and single lung metastases.
Liver metastases and primary liver carcinoma (HCC)
Isolated cases in the context of oncological concepts.
Your direct contact to
+49 89 45 23 36 -0
European Radiosurgery Center Munich
Max Lebsche Platz 31
D - 81377 Munich, Germany
Contact us